发表于:2005/12/24 11:36:00
好象看到某为人兄也碰到过这个问题,不知道他是怎么解决的,还望 赐教啊
MS Security Patch is not installed on this system.
For this WinCC Version, the following software is required:
WindowsXP SP 2 KB319740
Please run the installation of MS-Security Patch from your MS Tools - CD.
Operation of WinCC under Windows XP SP2 has been released for WinCC clients with deactivated firewall only.
You must deactivate the firewall manually.
MS Security Patch is not installed on this system.
For this WinCC Version, the following software is required:
WindowsXP SP 2 KB319740
Please run the installation of MS-Security Patch from your MS Tools - CD.
Operation of WinCC under Windows XP SP2 has been released for WinCC clients with deactivated firewall only.
You must deactivate the firewall manually.