发表于:2010/10/14 14:11:06
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue 30, 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue 31, 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
' HWPLCComm1是海为PLC通讯控件名称,Timer1是画面刷新定时器
HWPLCComm1.Run Not HWPLCComm1.RunFlag
Timer1.Enabled = HWPLCComm1.RunFlag
If HWPLCComm1.RunFlag Then
Command3.Caption = "停止采样"
Shape2.FillColor = vbGreen ‘采样指示灯绿色
Command3.Caption = "启动采样"
Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite ‘采样指示灯红色
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 15
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "y" & i '增加采样点Y0-Y15
Next i
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv0", , "当前扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv1", , "最小扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv2", , "最大扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv12", "Year", "年"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv13", "Month", "月"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv14", "Day", "日"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv15", "Hour", "时"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv16", "Minute", "分"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv17", "Second", "秒"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv18", "Week", "星期"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm3", , "10ms时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm4", , "100ms时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm5", , "1s时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "m0", "Start", "跑马灯启动"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "m1", "Stop", "跑马灯停止"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v0"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v2"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v100", , "实数例子", [REAL ] '实数类型为5
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "ccv50", , "32位计数器"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "ccv100", , "16位计数器"
'将点加到Listview中显示, Y0-Y15 16个点不加入,用指示灯来显示状态
Dim Newitem As ListItem
For i = 17 To HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PointCount
Set Newitem = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , i)
Newitem.SubItems(1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointAddress
Newitem.SubItems(2) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Newitem.SubItems(4) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointNote
Next i
Label3(0) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PLCAddress
Label3(1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PLCName
For i = 1 To 16
Label1(i - 1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub ListView1_DblClick()
Dim i As Long
If Not ListView1.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
i = ListView1.SelectedItem.Index + 16
Form2.vPointIndex = i
Form2.Caption = "写入值 " & HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Form2.Label1.Caption = "写入值 " & HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName & ":"
Form2.Text1 = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue
Form2.Show 1
End If
End Sub
' Timer1是画面刷新定时器
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 16
If HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue = 1 Then
Shape1(i - 1).FillColor = vbRed '值=1,为真
Shape1(i - 1).FillColor = vbWhite '值=0,为假
End If
Next i
For i = 17 To HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PointCount
ListView1.ListItems(i - 16).SubItems(3) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public vPointIndex As Long '公共变量,存储被双击点的序号
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
Form1.HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue vPointIndex, Text1.Text
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_GotFocus()
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1)
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue 30, 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue 31, 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
' HWPLCComm1是海为PLC通讯控件名称,Timer1是画面刷新定时器
HWPLCComm1.Run Not HWPLCComm1.RunFlag
Timer1.Enabled = HWPLCComm1.RunFlag
If HWPLCComm1.RunFlag Then
Command3.Caption = "停止采样"
Shape2.FillColor = vbGreen ‘采样指示灯绿色
Command3.Caption = "启动采样"
Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite ‘采样指示灯红色
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 15
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "y" & i '增加采样点Y0-Y15
Next i
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv0", , "当前扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv1", , "最小扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv2", , "最大扫描时间 单位0.1ms"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv12", "Year", "年"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv13", "Month", "月"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv14", "Day", "日"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv15", "Hour", "时"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv16", "Minute", "分"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv17", "Second", "秒"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sv18", "Week", "星期"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm3", , "10ms时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm4", , "100ms时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "sm5", , "1s时钟脉冲"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "m0", "Start", "跑马灯启动"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "m1", "Stop", "跑马灯停止"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v0"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v2"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "v100", , "实数例子", [REAL ] '实数类型为5
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "ccv50", , "32位计数器"
HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).AddPoint "ccv100", , "16位计数器"
'将点加到Listview中显示, Y0-Y15 16个点不加入,用指示灯来显示状态
Dim Newitem As ListItem
For i = 17 To HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PointCount
Set Newitem = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , i)
Newitem.SubItems(1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointAddress
Newitem.SubItems(2) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Newitem.SubItems(4) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointNote
Next i
Label3(0) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PLCAddress
Label3(1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PLCName
For i = 1 To 16
Label1(i - 1) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub ListView1_DblClick()
Dim i As Long
If Not ListView1.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
i = ListView1.SelectedItem.Index + 16
Form2.vPointIndex = i
Form2.Caption = "写入值 " & HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName
Form2.Label1.Caption = "写入值 " & HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointName & ":"
Form2.Text1 = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue
Form2.Show 1
End If
End Sub
' Timer1是画面刷新定时器
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 16
If HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue = 1 Then
Shape1(i - 1).FillColor = vbRed '值=1,为真
Shape1(i - 1).FillColor = vbWhite '值=0,为假
End If
Next i
For i = 17 To HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).PointCount
ListView1.ListItems(i - 16).SubItems(3) = HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).iPoints(i).PointValue
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public vPointIndex As Long '公共变量,存储被双击点的序号
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
Form1.HWPLCComm1.HWPLCs(1).SetPointValue vPointIndex, Text1.Text
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_GotFocus()
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1)
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
PLC/HMI/SCADA 厦门海为科技有限公司www.haiwell.com