发表于:2009/8/12 2:29:14
有几种任务需要一个特定时间或时间间隔或在过程中产生某中改变时才执行。 调度这些任务时您需要定义触发时间来触发需要产生的操作。
下面的例子可以定期检查硬盘应用空间的大小。 如果磁盘空间太少,它触发ifix数据库中的一个报警。 ontimeout事件在checkdiskspace事件属性中所定义的时间间隔内发生。
例: 检测磁盘空间,太少则触发报警
first, declare the windows api function call
getdiskfreespace so you can use it to get the amount of
free space available on the disk.
private declare function getdiskfreespace lib kernel32 _
alias getdiskfreespacea (byval lprootpathname as string, _
lpsectorspercluster as long, lpbytespersector as long, _
lpnumberoffreeclusters as long, lptotalnumberofclusters _
as long) as long
check the disk space on the timer events ontimeout
event. if it is less than 150mb, set an alarm.
checkdiskspace is the name of the timer object
created in the scheduler.
private sub checkdiskspace_ontimeout(byval ltimerid as long)
dim lanswer as long
dim lprootpathname as string
dim lpsectorspercluster as long
dim lpbytespersector as long
dim lpnumberoffreeclusters as long
dim lptotalnumberofclusters as long
dim lbytespercluster as long
dim lnumfreebytes as double
dim ldiskspace as double
warning: the parameter below hard codes c: as the drive to
check. if you do not nave a c: drive, this code will return 0
as the free space. you need to change this parameter to match
the drive you want checked.
lprootpathname = c: lanswer = getdiskfreespace(lprootpathname, _
lpsectorspercluster, lpbytespersector, _
lpnumberoffreeclusters, lptotalnumberofclusters)
lbytespercluster = lpsectorspercluster * lpbytespersector
lnumfreebytes = lbytespercluster * lpnumberoffreeclusters
ldiskspace = format(((lnumfreebytes / 1024) / 1024), _
if ldiskspace
fix32.node1.lowdiskspacealarm.f_cv = 1
fix32.node1.lowdiskspacealarm.f_cv = 0
end if
end sub
原文地址: Http://blog.gkong.com/more.asp?id=96965&Name=springal
有几种任务需要一个特定时间或时间间隔或在过程中产生某中改变时才执行。 调度这些任务时您需要定义触发时间来触发需要产生的操作。
下面的例子可以定期检查硬盘应用空间的大小。 如果磁盘空间太少,它触发ifix数据库中的一个报警。 ontimeout事件在checkdiskspace事件属性中所定义的时间间隔内发生。
例: 检测磁盘空间,太少则触发报警
first, declare the windows api function call
getdiskfreespace so you can use it to get the amount of
free space available on the disk.
private declare function getdiskfreespace lib kernel32 _
alias getdiskfreespacea (byval lprootpathname as string, _
lpsectorspercluster as long, lpbytespersector as long, _
lpnumberoffreeclusters as long, lptotalnumberofclusters _
as long) as long
check the disk space on the timer events ontimeout
event. if it is less than 150mb, set an alarm.
checkdiskspace is the name of the timer object
created in the scheduler.
private sub checkdiskspace_ontimeout(byval ltimerid as long)
dim lanswer as long
dim lprootpathname as string
dim lpsectorspercluster as long
dim lpbytespersector as long
dim lpnumberoffreeclusters as long
dim lptotalnumberofclusters as long
dim lbytespercluster as long
dim lnumfreebytes as double
dim ldiskspace as double
warning: the parameter below hard codes c: as the drive to
check. if you do not nave a c: drive, this code will return 0
as the free space. you need to change this parameter to match
the drive you want checked.
lprootpathname = c: lanswer = getdiskfreespace(lprootpathname, _
lpsectorspercluster, lpbytespersector, _
lpnumberoffreeclusters, lptotalnumberofclusters)
lbytespercluster = lpsectorspercluster * lpbytespersector
lnumfreebytes = lbytespercluster * lpnumberoffreeclusters
ldiskspace = format(((lnumfreebytes / 1024) / 1024), _
if ldiskspace
fix32.node1.lowdiskspacealarm.f_cv = 1
fix32.node1.lowdiskspacealarm.f_cv = 0
end if
end sub
原文地址: Http://blog.gkong.com/more.asp?id=96965&Name=springal